Elementary Japanese II*

About this Course

A continuation of Elementary Japanese I, this course builds upon previous introduction to the Japanese language and Japanese-speaking cultures with a continued emphasis on the development of the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This is the second part to the beginning sequence for students who have had some prior study of this language. either in high school, Japanese I, or life experience. This course has an embedded language lab component.

This course is also available as a Credit Division class. Prices may vary.


Elementary Japanese I or life experience.

Course Details

Continuing Ed / Non-Credit
Tuition: $870.00
Subject: JAPN 0101

Sections Offered

Section: NC1 CRN: 16582
Type: LRON
Instructor: Yumi McCarthy
08/28/2024 - 12/16/2024
11:00 am - 12:45 pm
Mon, Wed
No Class on: 9/2, 11/27