Accelerated ESOL Program

Accelerate your progress in English and toward a degree.

ACE I: ESOL 1202 + 1302

(12 credits total)
ESOL 1202 Integrated Skills II (6 credits) + ESOL 1302 Integrated Skills III (6 Credits)

ESOL 1202 + 1302 Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9:30 am – 12:25 pm Integrated Skills II & III
ESOL 1202 & 1302 credit or as blended/noncredit
Work online Integrated Skills II & III
ESOL 1202 & 1302 credit or as blended/noncredit
Integrated Skills II & III
ESOL 1202 & 1302 credit or as blended/noncredit

ACE II: ESOL 1402 + 1512

(16 credits total)
COMM 1301 – Public Speaking (3 credits)
HIST 1016 – US History from Reconstruction (3 credits)
ESOL 1402 Integrated Skills IV (6 credits) + ESOL 1512 Integrated Skills V (4 credits)

ESOL 1402+ 1512 Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9:30 am – 12:10 pm

Integrated Skills IV
9:30am – 12:10pm
On Campus
Integrated Skills V
9:30am – 11:15am
On Campus
Integrated Skills IV
9:30am – 12:10pm
On Campus
Integrated Skills V
9:30am – 11:15am
On Campus
12:30 pm – 1:45 pm COMM 1301
On Campus
HIST 1016
On Campus
COMM 1301
On Campus
HIST 1016
On Campus

Finish ESOL Twice as Fast

This new accelerated ESOL track is intended for ESOL students who can be full-time students, which requires up to 18 hours of classroom time per week. This is a rigorous program, but the benefits can be tremendous.

Students who are interested in this program and believe they can dedicate the time and effort that the program demands should meet with the department Chair, Hannah Moeckel-Rieke.

Benefits of the Program

✓ Finish Integrated Skills II, III, IV, and V in two semesters.
✓ Earn 4 to 6 college credits each semester that may count towards graduation.
✓ Earn 16 college credits and pay the price of 12 credits in your first semester in the program.
✓ Get U-Pass for free public transportation in CT.
✓ Become eligible to apply for a Foundation Scholarship by the end of the semester.

For more information, visit our office, room E206.