Global Art History Prehistory to 1500 CE*

About this Course

The development and historical context of visual art from the prehistoric period through the inception of the early modern period (c.1500). Exploration of artifacts and historic sites as documents of past economic, political, religious and social developments and well as of cultural exchange. Museum visits strongly encouraged.

This course is also available as a Credit Division class. Prices may vary.

Course Details

Continuing Ed / Non-Credit
Tuition: $576.00
Subject: ARTH 0101

Sections Offered

Section: NC1 CRN: 45672
Location: W249
Type: Traditional
Instructor: Valerie Sioufas-Lalli
01/27/2025 - 05/19/2025
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Mon, Wed
No Class on: 2/17, 3/17, 3/19