Python I

About this Course

This course will introduce students to the basics of Python. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented high-level programming language, which has recently become a popular tool in industry and academia. Python can be used for creating Windows, UNIX and Mac applications, from simple console and web-based to elaborate graphic interfaces for video games. Python standard packages such as Numpy, Scipy, and Scikit-learn offer a range of modern methods for big data analysis and constantly expand their capabilities. Students will explore applications of Python for data analysis and computer-aided decision making. Examples will be taken from robotics, finance and business, economics, operations research, financial modeling, engineering, mathematics, biology, and physics.

Please bring a flash drive to class.





Intermediate Algebra and basic programming skills (in any language) are required.

Course Details

Continuing Ed / Non-Credit
Tuition: $380
Subject: CSA 0133

Sections Offered

Section: 03 CRN: 80182
Location: W137
Type: Traditional
Instructor: Nadia Udler, M.S.
No. of Sessions: 6
06/05/2024 - 06/26/2024
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Mon, Wed
No Class on: 6/19

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