Tips and Strategies for Students

Online Course Strategies

We have compiled a few online course strategies. We hope they can help you succeed in your online classes.

Need help with classes? We’ve got you covered. Check out our Tutoring Center to access tutors on a variety of subject areas.

So what can I do?

Here is a checklist of questions to help you put together a basic time management and assignment management strategy:

How are your professors going to stay in contact?

  • Blackboard messages?
  • E-mail? (in that case make sure you know how to check your STUDENT email or forward that to your personal e-mail)


When are things due?

Write down due dates for everything, including:

  • Large assignments- papers, projects, exams.
  • Little assignments that can quickly add up- readings, discussion postings, problem sets.

Come up with how you will approach work:

Structure your time

  • Create a schedule with specific times to watch lectures, study, read, and do homework and stick to it!
  • Having a daily routine when possible, will not only make it so the work doesn’t pile up, but having set meal times, wake up times, etc will help with your mental well-being as well.


Create a dedicated work space

  • Find the best space for concentration and internet connection.
    • Many internet providers are offering free internet during this time so check those resources out if you need them!
  • Gather up the supplies you need (textbooks, notes, etc) and have them accessible.
  • Ask your roommates, family members, others in your house to cheer you on in this process by not disturbing you during your set schoolwork times.


Really doing this…

  • You could stay in your jammies all day, but taking a shower/getting dressed will help to signal to yourself (and others) that this work time for you.
  • Check in with other students- you can plan work sessions at the same time and then check in at the end to see what you’ve accomplished
  • Put your phone on silent and out of sight. Turn off the TV, close social media and other websites that may tempt you.
  • Stay mentally engaged by taking notes like you would during a regular class section while watching lectures and jot down questions you have to email to your professor.

Engage with other students… VIRTUALLY

Isolation can weigh on your mental health. Be sure to continue to connect with other students in your class.

  • Create virtual study groups (all students have free access to Teams which allows you to audio or webchat).
  • Check in on your friends to help motivate them to stay engaged with their classes. We are in this together.


Use campus resources and ask for help!

Campus resources haven’t gone away- they’ve just moved online!

  • So still schedule appointments for the help you need and reach out with any and all questions.
  • Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction are now available via Teams!
  • If you are struggling or just feeling overwhelmed- don’t hesitate to reach out to your professor. You may be helping them with the questions you ask!

You may only have brief chunks of time in your schedule, here are some tips to help:

  • Start by tackling the most difficult exam, project, or concept for you today. Tackle that first to build momentum and grow your confidence.
  • Divide tasks into little steps and spacing them out- this lowers stress and makes things feel more manageable.
  • Say it out loud– literally. Start talking out loud to yourself, your dog, your plant- explain concepts and ideas as if you were the teacher.

Most importantly, do the best you can AND have patience with yourself and others. Ask for help- you’re not in this alone. Focus on what you can control and take good care of yourself!

Adapted from Indiana University Bloomington, University of Maryland, and GetEducated.