Shuangshuang Chinese-7th Grade

About this Course

This Saturday Mandarin class is an intensive learning experience in the Mandarin Chinese language.  It is highly recommended that families have a familiarity with the language.  The class uses Shuangshuang method and literature rich textbooks.  The textbooks incorporate a large amount of Chinese culture and literature, which gives the children a chance to learn the language as well as Chinese heritage.  Speaking and listening are practiced in the class environment.



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Course Details

Continuing Ed / Non-Credit
Tuition: $290
Subject: KIDS 0149

Sections Offered

Section: 1 CRN: 80764
Location: W202
Type: Traditional
Instructor: Bing Li
No. of Sessions: 14
09/07/2024 - 12/14/2024
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
No Class on: 11/30