CDLS Assessment Policy and Procedure

CDLS Assessment Policy and Procedure

The CDLS uses the Connecticut Documentation and Observation for Teaching System (CT DOTS), including the Infant /Toddler Framework, embedded in the curriculum to assess children. The Preschool Assessment Framework is aligned with the CT Early Learning Development Standards (E.L.D.S.) and provides a comprehensive system for both planning curriculum and assessing children’s progress. The CT E.L.D.S. enables teachers to addresses specific learning standards through curriculum, and to observe and assess children’s progress in achieving these standards through the CT DOTS.

The Connecticut Documentation and Observation for Teaching System (CT DOTS). is a framework to guide early care and education providers in a process of monitoring children’s progress on the skill, abilities and behaviors outlined in the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards. CT DOTS supports early care and education providers to observe and document children’s learning and development in naturally occurring situations and to plan for engaging experiences that allow for more intentional observations. CT DOTS also provides a structure for partnering with families in sharing information about children’s learning and development. CT DOTS is a valuable tool for planning how to support young children through curriculum, instruction and quality early learning environments.

The teachers will assess children:

  • by observing their performance during typical classroom activities
  • focus on describing what children can do and the progress they have made
  • make assessment decisions based on multiple observations in a variety of activities.

The teachers use their observations to place children on the developmental continuum for each Early Learning Development Standard (E.L.D.S.). Each semester all E.L.D.S.are incorporated into the planning and individual assessment for each child. The teachers create a portfolio for each child, using work samples, anecdotes and photos, documenting the age indicators that align with the current developmental level onto the continuum. This indicates the current developmental level for thats E.L.D.S..

The teachers also create documentation boards detailing specific topics of interest or events at school, highlighting each developmental area and E.L.D.S. it relates to. These boards are hanging in the reception area for families to view with the children and for the ECE students to learn from. We share the portfolios and continuums during our teacher/family conferences held once per semester. Of course, at any time during the school year if a parent or teacher has a concern it will be discussed at that time and does not need to wait until the official conference. Teachers and parents communicate daily about their child’s day.

Teachers keep anecdotal records of the children in their class and then compile them into the portfolios. These portfolios are shared with the families and the CDLS teaching staff and are kept in the teacher’s office.

Families are encouraged in the beginning and throughout the school year to help the teacher’s set goals for their child. A family summary sheet is completed for the second conference and given to the families. When the child leaves the program, the families are given the entire portfolio and it is shared with the receiving school.

The CDLS has the family complete the Ages and Stages developmental screening within the first two months of school or when the child enters the program. In the event of developmental concerns or delays, the teachers and or director will meet with the family and discuss the concerns and options for referrals. With the family’s permission, the referrals will be made through Birth to 3 or the Board of Education of the town in which the child lives.

Want to know more?

Check out these resources:

  • Gronlund, Gaye. 2006. Making Early Learning Standards come Alive: Connecting Your Practice and Curriculum to State Guidelines. Minnesota. Red Leaf Press.
  • Jablon, Judy, Dombro, Amy & Dichtelmiller, Margo. 2007 Second Edition. The Power of Observation for Birth through Eight. Washington, D.C. Teaching Strategies
  • McAfee, Oralie, Leong, Deborah & Bodrova, Elena. 2004. Basics of Assessment: A Primer for Early Childhood Educators. Washington, DC: NAEYC
  • CT Office of Early Childhood, Early Learning Development Standards