Internships are available in the Architectural Engineering Technology, Building Efficiency & Sustainable Techology, Construction Technology, Design for the Web, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Interior Design and Studio Arts programs.
One of the challenges facing students preparing to enter the workforce is getting a job in an industry without any industry experience. Since one cannot get experience without first having a job, it can become a frustrating dilemma. NCC has a solution; Internships can break the vicious cycle.
Employers hire student interns who are nearing graduation and ready to begin their careers. The students can work part-time or full-time and receive college credit for the work experience they gain. The beauty of the program is that it serves as a bridge between college and career. Students gain experience before graduating, and they are introduced to the work force while they are still capable of upgrading their educational portfolios. Employers get the benefit of being able to meet ambitious people with the latest and most up-to-date skills, fresh from college.
Internship prerequisites:
- 30 credits toward an NCC degree. These can include transfer credit.
- Completion of at least one course at NCC.
- Completion of English 101.
- Signature of academic coordinator.
- GPA 2.0 or above.
Graphic Design Internship placements have included the following companies:
341 Studios
Air Age Media
Alexander Isley
Belvoir Media Group
Bonnie Marcus Collection
TFI Envision
The Hour
Voices of September 11th
World Wrestling Entertainment
NCC is a great deal. For more information, visit
Student Success Center
The Norwalk Community College Student Success Center provides an array of student services and guidance to help every student achieve their dreams. We are here to help you clarify, and achieve your career, academic personal and educational goals. We also conduct workshops throughout the semester designed to help you achieve academic and personal success. Come in today to make an individual appointment or sign up for our great success workshops. The Student Success Center, located in E107, is open Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm, and Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. For more information, visit
Student Activities
Art Club
The purpose of the Art Club is to enrich the college student’s experiences in art through exposure to a variety of art related activities. The Art Club sponsors events such as open figure drawing sessions, museum trips, lectures, studio visits and art workshops.
The Voice
The Voice, NCC’s student-run newspaper, publishes ten times per year and offers another opportunity for those in Graphic Design and Studio Arts to learn new skills. Student design and content ranges from graphics and cartooning, to photo features and essays. Students with interest in these areas are encouraged to join. Meeting times are posted outside E115. For more info about the Voice contact Professor Joan Fitzsimmons, Photo Advisor, 857-7196